As a FOSS enthusiast and a penguin lover I thought of writing more on Linux. For a Linux beginner I would say just use Ubuntu and have some practice with basic idea. But, if you really want to dig deeper, Ubuntu is not the one. For that purpose, to get our hands dirty, what our lecturers have recommended for us is Gentoo. Yes, most online resources say the same thing. If you just install Gentoo using the command line, you'll get to know a whole lot of things. Gentoo is not easy, and it's a good choice for wannabe GNU/ Linux hackers.
If you need a good guide for installation of Gentoo, just refer one of these links:
Actually installing Gentoo is not a big thing, just know what you do. I thought of preparing some kind of video screencast of how I did it, and it's available for download [21.5 MB] at Actually this video is just booting, partitioning disks and mounting. The first part of a series of videos. If you have any critiques, feel free to discuss here. Due to limitations with my Internet connectivity I can't upload a bigger video which contains the whole thing. I will put subsequent episodes for download as soon as possible.
I did the recording with recordmydesktop (can be seen on the video) which uses the Theora codec, and VirtualBox for as the hardware emulator.
What did I forget to say..? Mhh... yes, the video is copyleft. Download, use it for any purpose. :)
Thanks for reading!
EDIT (01-Oct-2009)
Now I feel like my attempt is quite unsuccessful. However I would neither delete the video nor this post. Without narration and a properly written guide this is unsuccessful. I have a target of preparing some video tutorials with no involvement of propritary software. Till then I may have to learn more about open source video production.
නෙදර්ලන්ත රසකතා (පැරසිටමෝල්)
මම නෙදර්ලන්තයට සංක්රමණය වෙච්ච මුල් දවස් වල නෙදර්ලන්ත භාෂාව (ලන්දේසි
භාෂාව) ගැන මේලෝක දැනීමක් තිබුණෙ නැහැ. ඒ විතරක් නෙමෙයි, සමහර දේවල් වලදි
ලංකාවට වඩා ම...
2 months ago
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